Painting the exterior of a house is far more intensive than painting the interior. Many people find that painting interior drywall is a simple and
Masking Off is Key
In reality, you will probably spend more time masking off the areas around your home exterior than you will spend actually painting. This is because
How to Use the Gun
Using a spray gun is actually quite simple with a little bit of practice. Try painting on a spare piece of cardboard so you can get used to the flow of paint. Try to figure out how far the nozzle should be from the wall when spraying. It is important that you point the gun at one spot while pulling the trigger. Start at an angle and then start moving your arm across your body before you pull the trigger.
Painting from side to side is the best way to make sure you get even coverage. But, you need to be
30 September 2015
Sure, you might be able to do your own painting job, but do you know how to hang that wallpaper? I made the mistake of assuming that wallpaper installation would be easy, which led to walls filled with uneven seams and unsightly gaps. Fortunately, you don't have to make the same mistakes I did. This blog is dedicated to articles about painting and wallpaper installation, so that you can see why working with a professional is important. By following this advice, you might be able to make your home look incredible, without spending more time on your project than you need to.