How To Paint A Porcelain Sink


If your porcelain sink looks faded or you want another color, add a new coat of paint. A fresh coat of paint updates the sink without the hassle and cost of replacement.

Porcelain is a durable surface but age, dirt, and hard water buildup can cause it to fade, making it look unsightly and unclean. Follow this guide to paint your porcelain sink.

Prepare to Paint the Sink

To paint the porcelain sink, gather:

  • work gloves
  • eye goggles and dust mask
  • soft rags and towels
  • paper towels 
  • household cleaner and denatured alcohol 
  • paper plate or cardboard
  • masking tape or painter's tape
  • medium and fine grit sandpaper 
  • palm sander (optional)
  • small paint brush
  • toothpick or single-edge razor blade
  • porcelain repair kit or pre-mixed epoxy   
  • porcelain primer and paint
  • sealer or topcaot 

Keep a window open or a fan running to ventilate the room. Remove items from the sink, and wipe the surface with a household cleaner to remove soap scum. Moisten a clean rag in denatured alcohol, and wipe the residue from the cleaner off the surface. Let the surface dry or dry it with a towel.

Repair and Sand the Sink

Before you paint, inspect the surface for chips and cracks. Sand the surface, clean the dust, and make the filler from the kit or epoxy solution on a paper plate or piece of cardboard according to instructions. Coat the toothpick or  razor blade with the mixture, and spread it on the damage. 

Let the filler cure, then use the fine-grit sandpaper to remove extra epoxy. Some damaged areas may need more than one layer of epoxy. Wipe dust with a rag.

Sand the entire surface using the palm sander and medium-grit sandpaper. Palm sanders aren't required but they create a more even surface. Clean the dust, and repeat sanding with fine-grit sandpaper.

Prime and Paint the Sink

Lay masking tape or painter's tape around trims, drains, and fixtures you don't want to paint, and spread newspapers or plastic over the floor to keep materials from dripping on it. 

Wipe moisture from the surface with a towel. Consider blocking off the sink to keep it from being used, since it commonly needs seven days to cure.

Brush a thin layer of primer on the surface in one direction to avoid brush strokes, and let it dry. Apply another coat, if needed, and let it dry. 

Brush the paint on the sink, in the same manner, and let each layer dry.To protect the paint, add a layer of sealant or two to three topcoats.

If this isn't something you feel confident doing yourself, reach out to a painting service


27 April 2018

Using Professionals To Hang Wallpaper

Sure, you might be able to do your own painting job, but do you know how to hang that wallpaper? I made the mistake of assuming that wallpaper installation would be easy, which led to walls filled with uneven seams and unsightly gaps. Fortunately, you don't have to make the same mistakes I did. This blog is dedicated to articles about painting and wallpaper installation, so that you can see why working with a professional is important. By following this advice, you might be able to make your home look incredible, without spending more time on your project than you need to.